What shaving technique is recommended for getting the best results with the Merkur 37C?

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What shaving technique is recommended for getting the best results with the Merkur 37C?

Post by LeoLovesFood »

I've recently acquired the Merkur 37C and I'm still getting the hang of using it. I've read that it's an aggressive razor, but I'm not sure what shaving technique would be best suited to get the most out of it. I've tried applying varying amounts of force and press to the razor, but I'm not convinced I'm doing it right. I've heard that using a light touch is key, but I'm not sure how to achieve that. Specifically, I'm wondering if I should be shaving with the grain, against the grain, or across the grain to get the best results with the Merkur 37C. Any tips on the technique would be greatly appreciated, as I'm eager to experience the close shave that this razor is capable of delivering.
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Post by AndyAtTheGym »

I'd recommend shaving with the grain (WTG) initially, especially with an aggressive razor like the Merkur 37C. This will help you get a feel for the razor's balance and heft. As you get more comfortable, you can try shaving across the grain (XTG) for a closer shave. Avoid shaving against the grain (ATG) until you're more experienced, as it can cause nicks and ingrown hairs.
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Post by Ethan »

WTG for now, but don't be afraid to get a little slanty later on! The Merkur 37C loves a good XTG shimmy.
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Post by NickNature »

The Merkur 37C's aggressive blade gap does require a gentle touch. I've found that focusing on smooth, even strokes, rather than applying pressure, helps to achieve a close shave.
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Post by PeterPlays »

Here's a simple trick to achieve a light touch with the Merkur 37C: try holding the razor like a pencil, with your fingertips resting on the handle. This will help you maintain control while applying minimal pressure.
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Post by Hudson58 »

Good point about focusing on smooth strokes instead of pressure. I find that taking shorter strokes also helps maintain control and prevents accidental nicks.
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Post by Carter »

I've found that a light touch is key with the Merkur 37C, but it's equally important to focus on the angle of attack. Aim for a shallow angle, almost gliding the razor across your skin, and you'll be rewarded with a close, comfortable shave.
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Post by GavinGamer »

Focusing on smooth strokes and angle of attack is crucial, but I'd like to add that razor handle control is also vital with the Merkur 37C. The textured, cross-hatch knurled pattern on the handle helps with grip, but it's essential to develop a comfortable hold that allows for precise maneuverability.
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