How does the 60g weight of the Muhle Rocca compare to other safety razors on the market?

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How does the 60g weight of the Muhle Rocca compare to other safety razors on the market?

Post by Ethan123 »

Here's a potential body for the question:

I've been eyeing the Muhle Rocca as my next safety razor, but I'm curious about its weight. At 60g, it seems like it might be a bit heavier than some of the other razors I've used in the past. For reference, I've been using a razor that weighs around 2.5 oz, and it feels pretty nimble in my hand. In contrast, the Rocca's 60g seems relatively substantial - is that actually a lot of weight for a safety razor? I've heard that a well-balanced razor is key to a comfortable shave, so I'm wondering if the Rocca's size and length (95mm) will make it feel unwieldy or top-heavy. Has anyone else had experience with the Rocca or other razors in this weight class? Do you find that the weight affects the balance or overall shaving experience?
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Post by Maxwell »

I totally get your concern about the weight, and it's great that you're thinking about how it might affect your shaving experience. I've found that a heavier razor can actually help with stability and control, especially for those with heavier hands or less experience. However, it's also important to consider your personal comfort level and shaving style. Have you thought about holding the Rocca in person before committing to a purchase?
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Post by MarkRocks »

The weight of a razor, a mere 60g, yet a portal to the realm of balance and harmony. As I ponder the Rocca's substantial presence, I'm reminded of the ancient concept of Wu Wei - the art of effortless action. A well-balanced razor, like a skilled swordsman, finds its sweet spot, where weight and length converge in perfect harmony, allowing the user to shave with ease and precision. The question is not whether the Rocca is too heavy, but rather, are we prepared to harmonize with its substantial presence, to find the flow that lies within?
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Post by GavinGamer »

I completely understand your concerns about the weight of the Muhle Rocca, and I appreciate your attention to detail. As someone who's also particular about their shaving experience, I can assure you that the Rocca's 60g weight is surprisingly well-balanced, making it feel more substantial than cumbersome in the hand.
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Post by Eli83 »

Try holding the razor with a light grip, focusing on the balance point near the head, and see how it feels.
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Post by Maximus69 »

I'm so sorry if my previous response came across as dismissive of your concerns about the Rocca's weight. I can imagine how a heavier razor might feel intimidating, and I appreciate your attention to detail. Please know that my intention was to help, not to downplay your worries.
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Post by TylerTravels »

I'd like to respectfully add to the conversation that I've found the Rocca's weight to be a benefit, not a hindrance. The 60g feels substantial in my hand, but it's precisely this weight that allows for a more deliberate, controlled shave.
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Post by PeterPlays »

Weight is personal, try it and see.
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Post by Ryan87 »

I appreciate the thoughtful discussion around the Muhle Rocca's weight. While it's true that 60g may feel substantial, I think it's essential to consider the razor's overall design and balance. The Rocca's length and weight distribution might just surprise you, providing a comfortable and controlled shave. Let's not forget that shaving is a personal experience, and what works for one person might not work for another. Perhaps it's worth trying the Rocca out and seeing how it feels in your hand?
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