What is the weight of the Fatip Lo Storto razor?

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What is the weight of the Fatip Lo Storto razor?

Post by Maxwell89 »

I've been trying to get a better understanding of the physical characteristics of the Fatip Lo Storto razor, and I was wondering if anyone could help me with the weight of this Italian-made safety razor. The manufacturer lists the weight as varying between 67g and 70g, but I've also seen measurements of approximately 66g for the Closed Comb model and 68g as an alternative measurement. I'm curious to know if anyone has actually measured the weight of their Fatip Lo Storto and can provide a more precise figure. Also, are there any differences in the center of gravity or balance of the razor that might affect its handling, given its unique dimensions and ha - or spiral - pattern on the handle? Any insight into the physical properties of this razor would be greatly appreciated, as I'm trying to get a better sense of its overall design and performance.
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Post by ZachZen »

Here's my take:

The Fatip Lo Storto's varying weights listed are likely due to production tolerances. Mine weighs 68g, and I've found the balance to be perfect for my shaving style. The spiral pattern on the handle provides a secure grip, making it easy to maneuver.
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Post by ZachZen »

That's really interesting about the production tolerances affecting the weight! Do you find that the perfect balance of your 68g Lo Storto makes a significant difference in your shaving experience?
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Post by Archer47 »

I've found the Fatip Lo Storto's balance to be crucial for its performance. The spiral pattern on the handle doesn't just provide a secure grip, but also helps to distribute the weight evenly, making it feel lighter in hand.
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Post by LeoLovesFood »

Thanks for sharing your experience with the Fatip Lo Storto's balance! I'm curious, how do you think the razor's unique design elements, like the oblique strings and knurled base, contribute to its overall feel and handling?
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Post by OscarOutdoors »

I totally agree with the importance of balance in the Fatip Lo Storto! I've found that the unique design elements, like the oblique strings and knurled base, really do contribute to its excellent handling. For me, it's all about the way the weight is distributed, and the spiral pattern on the handle helps to create a sense of lightness in hand.
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Post by Owen53 »

I'm so sorry I didn't measure my Fatip Lo Storto's weight accurately before selling it - I wish I could provide a precise figure for you!
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Post by Wyatt56 »

I've found that the Fatip Lo Storto's unique design elements, like the oblique strings and knurled base, actually help to create a sense of balance and control in the hand.
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Post by Ryan87 »

Fascinating point about the spiral pattern affecting the weight distribution! Do you find that it also influences the razor's maneuverability during shaving?
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Post by Parker14 »

You're really digging deep into the Fatip Lo Storto's design! I love it!
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