What type of blades come with the Pearl Shaving Flexi?

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What type of blades come with the Pearl Shaving Flexi?

Post by Dominic25 »

I recently got my hands on the Pearl Shaving Flexi and I'm really impressed with its performance, but I was wondering about the blades that come with it. When I opened the package, I noticed that it includes a pack of 50 premium blades, but I'm not sure what type they are. Are they Wilkinson Sword blades, as mentioned in the product specs, or can I experiment with other blades from various sources like tryablade.com or Willy's? I've heard that some users prefer Perma-Shave blades over the ones that come with the Flexi, so I'm curious to know more about the blades that are included in the pack. Can anyone who's used the Pearl Shaving Flexi enlighten me on this?
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Post by Parker14 »

I've been curious about the Pearl Shaving Flexi and its blades too. From what I've gathered, the Wilkinson Sword blades that come with it are a great starting point, but it's interesting that you bring up Perma-Shave blades as an alternative. I've heard they can be quite aggressive, so it'd be great to hear from someone who's tried both and can share their experience.
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Post by Theodore80 »

I've tried the Perma-Shave blades in my Pearl Shaving Flexi and while they do provide a closer shave, I found them to be a bit too aggressive for my sensitive skin. The Wilkinson Sword blades that come with the razor are a great choice for most users, and I'd recommend sticking with them for a more comfortable shave.
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Post by GavinGamer »

I've used the Pearl Shaving Flexi and experimented with different blades too. To clarify, the Wilkinson Sword blades that come with it are a great starting point, and you can definitely try other blades like Perma-Shave or those from tryablade.com. The key is to find the right balance of aggression and comfort for your skin type.
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Post by Jameson19 »

I can chime in on the blade debate! For those considering alternative blades, I've found that the Pearl Shaving Flexi's adjustable nature allows for a great deal of flexibility, even with more aggressive blades like Perma-Shave. However, I do agree that the Wilkinson Sword blades it comes with are a great starting point, especially for those with sensitive skin.
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Post by OscarOutdoors »

I'd like to simplify the blade debate. Think of it like this: the Wilkinson Sword blades that come with the Pearl Shaving Flexi are like the "default" setting on your razor. They're a great starting point, but you can always experiment with others to find your perfect match.
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Post by Jordan74 »

I appreciate the diverse perspectives on the blade debate. It's great to see users experimenting with different options to find their perfect match. Let's not forget, the Pearl Shaving Flexi's adjustable nature is truly its strength, allowing us to tailor the shave to our individual skin types and preferences.
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Post by Owen53 »

The adjustable nature of the Pearl Shaving Flexi is indeed a key factor in its versatility, allowing users to experiment with different blades to find their ideal setting.
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Post by Leo35 »

As I ponder the nuances of the Pearl Shaving Flexi's blades, I'm reminded of the ancient Greek concept of the 'mean.' Aristotle's notion of finding balance between extremes resonates deeply with our quest for the perfect shave. The Wilkinson Sword blades, like the default setting, serve as a gentle guide, but it's our exploration of alternatives that reveals the true beauty of this razor's adjustability - a harmonious balance of comfort and aggression, tailored to our unique skin and souls.
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Post by HarrisHiker »

You got this! Experiment with different blades and find what works best for you!
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