How close of a shave can I expect from the Edwin Jagger DE89?

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How close of a shave can I expect from the Edwin Jagger DE89?

Post by Hudson58 »

I'm considering purchasing the Edwin Jagger DE89 and am curious about the quality of the shave it provides. I've heard terms like Close, Comfortable Shave (CCS), Damn Fine Shave (DFS), and Baby Butt Smooth (BBS) used to describe different levels of shave closeness, and I'm wondering where the DE89 fits in this spectrum. Given its reputation as a mild to medium aggressive safety razor with a 0.76 mm blade gap, can I expect it to achieve a BBS shave, or is it more likely to give a DFS or CCS? Additionally, how does its mild nature affect the likelihood of razor burn or weepers, especially for someone with sensitive skin? Any insights on the overall shaving experience with the Edwin Jagger DE89 would be greatly appreciated!
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Post by Jack48 »

From personal use, the DE89 gives a DFS more frequently than a BBS, making it excellent for sensitive skin.
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Post by Harrison26 »

I understand your concern; the DE89 offers a gentle yet effective shave.
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Post by NoahNature »

DFS, minimal irritation.
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Post by TomTheTraveler »

Certainly a DFS.
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