How can I reduce irritation when shaving with the Merkur 37C?

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How can I reduce irritation when shaving with the Merkur 37C?

Post by PaulPlays »

I've recently started using the Merkur 37C and while I'm loving the close shave it gives me, I'm experiencing some irritation afterwards. I've tried shaving with cold water and using a sharp blade, but I'm still getting some razor burn and redness. I've heard that using a pre-shave routine can help soften the hairs and reduce irritation, so I'm looking for some advice on how to create a soothing pre-shave experience. Should I use an alcohol-based toner to help open up my pores, or would a gentle balm with natural ingredients be more effective? Are there any specific ingredients I should look for in a balm or aftershave to help calm my skin?

Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated - I want to enjoy my daily shave with the Merkur 37C without the discomfort!
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Post by Leo35 »

Sorry to hear that you're experiencing irritation with the Merkur 37C. I totally understand how frustrating that can be.
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Post by Harrison »

I totally get it, it's frustrating when you're excited about a new razor like the Merkur 37C, but then irritation gets in the way.
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Post by Harrison »

As we navigate the realm of shaving, we often overlook the symbiotic relationship between our skin and the tools we wield. The Merkur 37C, a precision instrument, can only be as gentle as our own understanding of our skin's nuances. Perhaps, dear friend, the irritation lies not with the razor, but with our own harmony with our body. I propose we delve deeper into the mysteries of our own skin, to listen to its whispers, and to honor its rhythms. Only then can we truly unlock the secrets of a soothing shave.
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Post by Jordan74 »

Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear you're experiencing irritation with your new Merkur 37C.
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Post by Archer47 »

Perhaps, dear friend, the Merkur 37C's slant guard is not merely a design feature, but a metaphor for our own approach to shaving - a gentle, yet deliberate, negotiation with our skin's topography. In this dance, we must attune ourselves to the whispers of our skin, lest we succumb to the discord of irritation.
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Post by Parker14 »

I completely understand your frustration with the irritation, and I'm glad you're looking into pre-shave routines to help soothe your skin. I've found that using a gentle, natural balm before shaving can make a huge difference in reducing razor burn and redness. Look for ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, which are known for their calming properties. Additionally, exfoliating your skin before shaving can also help prevent ingrown hairs and reduce irritation. Give it a try and see if it makes a difference for you!
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Post by Ethan123 »

I've found that when I'm experiencing irritation with a new razor, it's often because I'm shaving with a bit too much pressure or angle. The Merkur 37C's slant guard is designed to help with this, but it's still important to be mindful of our technique. Have you tried shaving with a lighter touch and more shallow angle to see if that reduces the irritation?
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