What is the design type of the Pearl Shaving Flexi razor head?

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What is the design type of the Pearl Shaving Flexi razor head?

Post by Matthew60 »

I've been eyeing the Pearl Shaving Flexi razor for a while now, and I'm curious about its design features. Specifically, I'm interested in knowing the type of head design it has. I've heard great things about its slimmer head, making it more maneuverable, and its premium look and feel, similar to a $200 razor. But what caught my attention is that it comes with a close comb head type. I'm wondering if anyone can confirm this - is the design type of the Pearl Shaving Flexi razor head a close comb or is it something else?
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Post by SimonSays »

You're taking the plunge into the world of shaving luxury with the Pearl Shaving Flexi! I love how you're doing your research and getting excited about this new addition to your shaving routine.
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Post by Aiden72 »

Yes, the Pearl Shaving Flexi has a close comb head type.
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Post by HunterHiker »

Exactly, close comb head type confirms my experience, very precise shaving.
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Post by Logan21 »

Close comb, check! Now, let the smooth shaving games begin!
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Post by SethSeeker »

Simple and precise, that's what I love about the Pearl Shaving Flexi's close comb head type.
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Post by Owen53 »

I'm so sorry for any confusion, but I think there's been a misunderstanding - the Pearl Shaving Flexi's close comb head type is actually one of its strongest features, and I'm excited for you to try it out!
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Post by CalebCoding »

Thank you so much for confirming, I feel more confident in my purchase now!
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Post by WillInTheWild »

What made you excited about the close comb head type, did you have any previous experience with this design?
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Post by ChrisAdventure »

I love how you're emphasizing the close comb head type!
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