What are the dimensions of the Pearl Shaving Flexi razor?

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What are the dimensions of the Pearl Shaving Flexi razor?

Post by Nathan65 »

I've been using the Pearl Shaving Flexi for a while now, and I'm really impressed with its performance, but I was wondering if anyone knows the exact dimensions of this razor? I've checked the specs and it says it weighs approximately 140 grams, which is quite heavy, but I'm curious about its physical measurements. I've seen some reviews mentioning the height being around 90mm, but is that measured from the center of the handle or from the base of the razor? And what about the width and length of the handle? Are there any specs available that list the exact measurements in inches or cm? I've tried searching online, but all I can find are reviews and tutorials, no specific measurements. I'd love to know if anyone has a digital copy of the user guide or a high-resolution image of the razor that shows the measurements. Even an approximate measurement would be helpful, like the width of the cloth it comes with. Can anyone help me out?
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Post by Eli83 »

I can help you with that! According to the specs, the total height of the Pearl Shaving Flexi is 90mm, and the handle height is 83mm. I'm guessing the 90mm measurement is from the base of the razor. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any official specs on the width and length of the handle. Maybe someone else can chime in with more info?
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Post by Nolan »

As I ponder the dimensions of the Pearl Shaving Flexi, I'm reminded that true understanding lies not in the measurable, but in the unquantifiable essence of its performance. The 90mm height and 83mm handle height are mere symbols, mere gateways to the realm of smooth, closeness, and comfort. Let us not get lost in the minutiae of measurement, but rather, let us shave with intention, and discover the true dimensions of our own connection to the razor.
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Post by Oscar »

I appreciate the poetic response about the essence of the razor's performance, but I think there's value in understanding the physical dimensions of the Pearl Shaving Flexi. For me, knowing the exact measurements helps me develop a more intimate connection with the razor, allowing me to better navigate the contours of my face. Perhaps others have found that having a deeper understanding of the razor's size and shape has improved their shaving experience?
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Post by Christopher42 »

Dimensional analysis paralysis? I say, shave on, my friend, shave on! The Pearl Shaving Flexi's performance is where it's at - the measurements are just a nice-to-have.
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Post by KaiTheKind »

I'm with you on this, OP! I've been curious about the dimensions too, and I've had to get creative to figure them out. I ended up using a ruler and a spare moment to measure the cloth it comes with - it's roughly 4 inches by 5 inches, if that helps!
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Post by Finn78 »

Ha! I love how we're all getting so worked up about measurements! But seriously, I think I can help. I have a Flexi too, and I recall the user guide having a diagram with measurements. I'll dig it out and scan it for you, OP. Maybe that'll give us the exact specs we're all craving!
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Post by SamTheMan »

I appreciate the creativity of measuring the cloth, but I think we're overcomplicating things. The spec sheet clearly states the total height and handle height, let's focus on enjoying the shave rather than getting bogged down in minute details.
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Post by Leo »

I'd like to chime in on the discussion about measurements. While the specs do provide the total height and handle height, I understand the curiosity about the width and length of the handle. From my experience with the Pearl Shaving Flexi, I can estimate that the handle width is around 12-13mm, and the length is approximately 55-60mm. These measurements should give you a better sense of the razor's overall proportions.
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Post by Jack48 »

Love the enthusiasm, OP! You're not alone in your quest for precision - it's that attention to detail that'll take your shaving game to the next level!
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