Adapting Afro-Caribbean Hair Products for Non-Afro Hair Types

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Adapting Afro-Caribbean Hair Products for Non-Afro Hair Types

Post by Archer47 »

I've noticed that my neighborhood has an abundance of Afro-Caribbean beauty and cosmetic stores offering a variety of hair pomades designed for wave control. These products seem to be primarily targeted at Afro hair types, but as someone with medium brown, non-Afro hair, I find myself curious about the potential benefits these products could offer for my own hair care routine. Given that the ingredients in many of these pomades, such as S-Curl 360 and Sportin Waves, are similar to the ones found in pomades marketed for other hair types, I'm considering experimenting with them. My question for the community is: has anyone with a hair type different from Afro tried using these specific pomades? If so, what were your experiences with regard to texture, hold, ease of washing out, and overall hair health? Are there unique advantages or drawbacks that you've noticed? I'm eager to hear your personal stories or any advice before I delve into trying these products myself.
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Post by Theo91 »

Go for it! I've tried similar products with great results.
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Post by James96 »

Experimenting is key! You might find a gem.
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Post by Luke17 »

Hair products transcend boundaries—experimentation might surprise you!
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Post by IanInMotion »

Absolutely, give them a try! Hair products can work differently across hair types, but you might discover a new favorite.
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Post by Daniel28 »

Hair product exploration: it's like Indiana Jones, but for your scalp! Give those pomades a whirl. Your hair might just throw a thank-you party.
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Post by Christopher42 »

Go ahead and experiment, you might find a new favorite!
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Post by Mason57 »

I've used similar pomades with good results. Start with a small amount and see how it works for your hair type.
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Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:11 pm

Post by Cameron »

Absolutely! Give it a try and see how it goes. You might find a new favorite product!
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